Part 3: Control Structures and Expressions
- The 'if' command is the basic conditional command in Tcl
- If an expression is true then execute one command body else execute another command body
- The second command body (the else clause) is optional
- The syntax of the command is
- if expression? body1 ?else? body2
set x 10if { $x>0} {
puts "x is greater than 0";
} else {
puts "x is lesser than 0";
Output: x is greater than 0
Switch Command
- The switch command is used to branch to one of many bodies depending on the value of an expression
- The general form of the command is :
- switch flags value pattern1 body1 pattern2 body2 ...
- any number of pattern body pairs can be specified
- all the pattern body pairs can be grouped into one argument
- switch flags value {pat1 body1 pat2 body2...}
set vlsi B;switch $vlsi {
A {
puts "Good"
B {
puts "Excellent"
C {
puts "Not good"
default {
puts "Invalid result" }
Output: Excellent
# for loop execution
for { set i 10} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
puts "value of a: $i"
value of i: 10
value of i: 11
value of i: 12
value of i: 13
value of i: 14
value of i: 15
value of i: 16
value of i: 17
value of i: 18
value of i: 19 statement(s)
foreach value { 1 2 3 4 5 } {
set i [expr $i+ $value]
puts $iset a 11
while {$a < 20 } {
puts "value of a: $a"
incr a
if { $a > 14} {
- In the switch command there are four possible flags that determine how value is matched
- -exact: matches the value exactly to one of the patterns
- --glob: uses glob-style pattern matching (using wildcards like *,?)
- -regexp: uses regular expression pattern matching
For Loop
- The for command is a looping construct used to do operations repetitively.
- The syntax is:
- for (initialization} {condition} {increment} {
- statement(s);
- }
The for command takes 4 parameters:
- The first argument is a command to initialize the loop
- The second argument is a Boolean expression that determines whether the loop body will execute
- The third argument is a command to increment the value of the variable executed after the loop body
- The fourth argument is the body of the loop
# for loop execution
for { set i 10} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
puts "value of a: $i"
value of i: 10
value of i: 11
value of i: 12
value of i: 13
value of i: 14
value of i: 15
value of i: 16
value of i: 17
value of i: 18
value of i: 19
While Loop
- while loop can also be used as a looping construct to execute operations repetitively.
- The syntax is:
while (condition} {
set i 0
while {$i < 10} {
incr i
puts $i
Output: 1 to 10
Foreach Loop
set i 0
while {$i < 10} {
incr i
puts $i
Output: 1 to 10
Foreach Loop
- foreach takes three arguments
- - the first is the name of a variable
- - the second is a list
- - the third is a Tcl script that forms the body of the loop
- foreach will execute the script once for each element of the list in order
foreach value { 1 2 3 4 5 } {
set i [expr $i+ $value]
puts $i
Output: 16
Break and Continue Statements
- The break command causes the innermost enclosing looping command to terminate immediately
- The continue command causes only the current iteration of the innermost loop to be terminated, the loop continues with the next iteration
while {$a < 20 } {
puts "value of a: $a"
incr a
if { $a > 14} {
value of a: 11
value of a: 12
value of a: 13
value of a: 14
set a 11
while { $a < 15 } {
if { $a == 15} {
incr a
puts "value of a: $a"
incr a
while { $a < 15 } {
if { $a == 15} {
incr a
puts "value of a: $a"
incr a
value of a: 11
value of a: 12
value of a: 13
value of a: 14set a [expr 10+20] # stores expr result in 'a '
puts $aset a hello
puts $ahello world
hello worldset x 4
Expr Command
- Expressions cannot be evaluated by the Tcl interpreter
- The expr command is used to parse and evaluate expressions in Tcl
- It receives the expression as its argument and returns the result after evaluation
puts $a
Output: 30
Operators in TCL
There are basically 5 types of operators in the TCL. They are as follows:
1. Arithmetic Operator
2. Relational Operator
3. Logical Operator
4. Bitwise Operator
5. Ternary Operator
Part 4: String
- Unlike other languages, in Tcl, you need not include double quotes when it's only a single word. An example can be -
puts $a
When the above code is executed, it produces the following result -
When we want to represent multiple strings, we can use either double quotes or curly braces. It is shown below
set a "hello world"
puts $a
set a {hello world}
puts $a
When the above code is executed, it produces the following result -
hello world
Format Command
- The format command is similar to the C printf function
- It formats a string according to a format specification
- The syntax of the format command is
- format spec value1 value2...
- The spec argument includes literals and keywords
Examples for format:
set y 5
puts [format "In octal: %0o" [expr $x+$y]]
puts [format "In hexadecimal: %0x" [expr $x+$y]]
puts [format "In decimal: %d" [expr $x+$y]]
% string compare "vlsi" "vlsi"
% string compare "vlsi" "4freshers"
% string compare "vlsi4freshers" "vlsi"
puts [format "In octal: %0o" [expr $x+$y]]
puts [format "In hexadecimal: %0x" [expr $x+$y]]
puts [format "In decimal: %d" [expr $x+$y]]
- The literals are placed in the result as it is
- The keyword indicates how to format the corresponding argument
- The keywords are introduced with percent sign % followed by zero or more modifiers and terminate with a conversion specifier
- Example keywords include %f for floating point, %d for integer, and %s for string format
- puts [ format "The square root of 10 is %3f" [expr sqrt (10)]]
- Output: The square root of 10 is 3.162
- The scan command parses a string according to a format specification and assigns values to variables
- The syntax of the command is:
- scan string format var var var...
- It returns the number of successful conversions it made
String Command
- The string command is a collection of operations one can perform on strings
- The first argument to string determines the operation
% string compare "vlsi" "4freshers"
% string compare "vlsi4freshers" "vlsi"
String equalset a "vlsi"
- The syntax of the command is
- string equal ?-nocase ? str1 str2
- Compares strings and returns 1 if they are the same or 0 otherwise
- If -nocase is used it makes a case insensitive comparison
- puts [string equal -nocase "VLSI" "vlsi"]
- Output: 1
String First
- The syntax of the command is
- string first str1 str2
- Returns the index in str2 of the first occurrence of str1
- Returns -1 if str1 is not found
- puts [string first "vlsi" "abcdvlsi"]
- index value of occurrence of 'vlsi' in the second string)
- output: 4
String last
String Index
- The syntax of the command is
- string index string index
- Returns the character at the specified index. If index is less than 0 or greater than or equal to the length of the string, an empty string is returned.
- An index counts from 0. Use keyword 'end' for the last character
- puts [string index "vlsi" 2]
- output: s
String Length
- The syntax of the command is
- string length string
- Return the number of characters in the string
- puts [ string length "vlsi"]
- output: 4
String match
- The syntax of the command is
- string match pattern str
- Returns 1 if str matches the pattern else 0.
- When there is the need for more powerful string matching capabilities, string match can be used in place of string equal, because instead to compare two strings, the command compares a string against a pattern.
- % string match {[0-9]} 4. Output: 1
- % string match vlsi* vlsi. Output: 1
String range
- The syntax of the command is
- string range str i j
- returns the range of characters in str from i to j
- puts [ string range "vlsi4freshers" 1 3]
- Output: lsi
append: This command is used to append the string value to any string.
append a 4freshers
puts $a
vlsi4freshersset x {1 2 3}
puts $a
String replace
- Returns a new string created by replacing characters first through last with newstr or nothing.
String tolower
- Returns string in lowercase.
String toupper
- Returns string in uppercase.
String trim
- Trims the characters in chars from both ends of string. Chars defaults to whitespace.
String trimleft
- Trims the characters in chars from the beginning of string.
String trimright
- Trims the characters in chars from the end of string. Chars defaults to whitespaces.
- A Tcl list is a sequence of values
- A list has its elements separated by white space
- Braces or quotes can be used to group words with white space into a single list element
- Tcl lists are just strings with a special interpretation
- Example: A List
- {a b c d e f}
- Tcl list is string consisting of zero or more space separated words.
Some Examples of lists:
- set colorList1 {red black orange}
- set colorList2 [list red white blue]
- set colorList3 [split "red_grey_blue" _]
List Commands
- list command is used to create a list
- list arg1 arg2 arg3 ....
- The list command constructs a list out of its arguments so that there is one list element for each argument
- Example: The list command
set y vlsi
set list1 [list $x " a b" $y]
puts $list1set a(0) 1
set list1 [list $x " a b" $y]
puts $list1
Output: {1 2 3} {a b} vlsi
- The lindex command returns the ith element from the list
- lindex list l
- set list1 [a b c d}
- puts [lindex $list1 3]
- Output: d
- llength returns the number of elements in the list
- llength list
- set list1 [a b c d}
- puts [llength $list1]
- Output: 4
- The Irange command returns the ith through jth elements from list
- Irange list i j
- set list { a b c d e}
- puts [ Irange $list 1 3]
- Output: b c d
- The lappend appends elements to the value of listvar
- lappend listvar arg arg...
- set list1 {A B}
- lappend list1 a b c d
- puts $list1
- Output: A B a b c d
- linsert inserts elements into list before the element at position index
- linsert list index arg arg..
- set list1 {A B C}
- set a [linsert $list1 1 x y z]
- puts $a
- Output: A x y z B C
- Ireplace replaces elements i through j of list with the args
- Ireplace list i j arg arg...
- set list1 {A B}
- set a [Ireplace $list1 1 2 x y z]
- puts $a
- Output: A x y z
- Isearch returns the index of the element in list that matches the value according to the mode, which can be -exact, -glob or -regexp
- Isearch ?mode? list value
- -glob is the default search
- Returns -1 if not found
- set list1 {a b c d}
- set a [Isearch $list1 d]
- puts $a
- Output: 3
- concat command joins multiple lists together into one list
- concat list, list...
- set a {a b}
- set y [ concat 0 $a 2]
- puts $y
- Output: 0 a b 2
- join command merges the elements of a list together by separating them with joinstring
- join list joinstring
- set a [join { 1 {2 3} {4 5 6 7 8}} :]
- puts $a
- Output: 1:2 3: 4 5 6 7 8
- split command splits a string up into list elements using the characters in splitchars as boundaries between list elements
- split string splitchars
- set a [split x:y:z:]
- puts $a
- Output: x y z
- This command is used to reverse the list of string.
- % lreverse " x y z "
- Output: z y x
- This command is used to arrange the list in alphabetical order.
- % lsort " c j w b a "
- Output: a b c j w
- The array command provides information about the elements currently defined for an array variable
- The first argument to the array command is various information like size, elements etc
- The final argument to the array command is the name of the array being queried
- set ArrayName(Index) value
array size
- array size returns the number of elements in the array
set a(1) 2set a(3) 4
set a(0) 1
set a(2) 3
puts [array size a]
Output: 4
array names
- array names returns the list of the names of the elements in the array
set a(1) 2
set a(2) 3
set a(2) 3
set a(3) 4
puts [ array names a]
Output: 0 1 2 3
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